Industry CCUS 2024 Doc Pack

Technical agenda for Industry CCUS 2024

Anastasia Tomasidou, Bloomberg
Artem Abramov, Rystad Energy
Bram Onck, Gasunie
Bruno Gerrits, Global CCS Institute
Caterina Molinari, Snam
Charles-Albert Bareth, CCSA
Corina Hulsbosh & Jonny Danielsson, Gexcon
Florian Haakmann, Thyssenkrupp
Hanne Skovby, Greenport North
Hanne Talboom, Port of Antwerpen-Bruges
Helen Miley, Porthos
Henrique Adorno, bse methanol
Jeremy Metcalfe, National Grid
Lucia Verardi, Eurogas
Martin Jones, Captimise
Micha Hes, AEB Amsterdam
Pablo Ruiz, Rabobank
Sven Weidner, Holcim
Tanya Srivastava, Cemex
Valentina Stekovic, AFS Group
Veronika Ruthensteiner, OMV
Walter Tesch, OMV





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