
Copenhagen, DK
General information
This year we focus on 2nd generation biofuels & biobased e-fuels and its production and use in maritime and aviation. Transport sectors face the need of decarbonisation and meeting sustainability goals set by national policies and European Energy Directives. Moreover, our event will show that maritime & aviation become greener faster than we think and decarbonisation is not a distant future..
This event I set to bring industry stakeholders, unique content, workshops discussions and networking. Showcase your products and services in the networking area and hold meetings with leaders from the industry. The commercial aspect of the event will create you a perfect intimate environment for doing business.
Join us for newly researched agenda, latest market news, excellent keynote speakers & technical insights! Please check our reviews in press
Key topics:
- National policies and latest European regulations
- Outlook for the future of biofuels market
- Biofuels trade and risk management
- COVID-19 impact on the market and demand
- Scaling up biofuels production for maritime and aviation – challenges & opportunities
- Recognising and using the potential of bioethanol
- Decarbonisation of maritime through bio-LNG
- How to make maritime safer, smarter and greener
- New biofuels for marine transport
- Green port initiatives – most important European projects
- Climate protection in aviation
- Implementing sustainable aviation fuel on a global scale
- How to accelerate aviation’s energy transition
Who Should attend & Venue Update
Fuel suppliers, end-users from entire value chain (trading & distribution companies, producers of feedstock, oil& gas companies, EPC contractors and OEM’S) aircraft and ships manufacturers, port authorities, shipping companies, airports, airlines, port operations companies, ground service and transportation providers, renewable fuels consultancies, research experts, government representatives, business analytics
Hosting these two events together means twice as much participants, networking possibilities, exhibitors and possibilities to choose sessions in both.
VENUE: SCANDIC KØDBYEN Skelbækgade 3A 1717 Copenhagen V
Making networking even more exciting with a joined exhibition area!
This year exclusively co-located with Biogas PowerON 2021
Previous Editions & Covid Update
Some of the companies participating in previous edition of Future of Biofuels included:* FuelsEurope * Gasum Corporation * Nordic Green * Stratas Advisors * Concawe * GASCAVALLI * *COWI * Electrochaea * Goodfuels * WindSpace A/S * BTG-BTL * NIRAS * WBA * Nordic Blue Crude AS * Emmelev * SEKAB * RWE Generation NL * Södra * CELLiCON * Nature Energy * German Aerospace Center * m2p labs * Hy2gen AG * Air France, KLM & Delta * St1 * ENI * EXPUR * MOE A/S * Technical University of Denmark * Saga Welco AS * HES International * Danish Bioenergy Association * BOLLFILTER Nordic * Baltic Control Certification * Elysium Nordic ApS * CANOIL-STHLM Biodiesel AB * Tailored Chemistry AB * AIRCO DIET * Process Engineering A/S * Skive Kommune * Danske Commodities * Greenfact * OLYX B.V. * Arriva * Borregaard * Norlys * Emerson Automation Solutions * Skovdyrkerne Øerne AmbA* DRE Business Services * Ethanol Energy * Arriva Danmark A/S * Danish Road Traffic Authority * Aarhus University * Bunker One * BiogasClean A/S * Nvalue BV * Renewable Energy Group * Novozymes * PlanET Biogastechnik GmbH * Centrum výskumu a vývoja * Neste Oyj * Latvijas Valsts Meži *
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