Hydrogen & P2X 2024 Doc Pack

Technical agenda for Hydrogen & P2X 2024 Conference


Ana Quelhas, EDP
Abdessamad Saidi, innio Jenbacher
Anna Pekala, Ramboll
Benjamin Bak, Schneider Electric
Carla Benauges, European Comission
Christian Schweitzer, bse methanol
Christoph von dem Bussche, GASCADE Gastransport
Daniel Fraile, Hydrogen Europe
Esben Sorensen, Plug Power
Harry Smit, Gasunie
Jesper Appel Veilstrup, Everfuel
Jesper Horlyk Jensen, Biogasclean
Julio Portillo, COWI
Kristina Floche Juelsgaard, Ballard
Lotte Holmberg Rasmussen, Centrica
Marco Saretta, Ramboll
Nicolai Rass, OGE
Olivier Weinmann, DWV
Peter Paschke, DNV
Rob Stevens, Topsoe
Robert Paulnsteiner, OMV
Samantha Phillips, Dynelectro
Samuel Magid, Copenhagen Infrastracture Partners
Manuel Sanchez Dieguez, KYOS
Thomas Fureder, Barclays
Tina Schou, Siemens
Tommy Lykke Wind, Maersk
Torben Brabo, GIE
Torben Franch, DNV
Valentina Stekovis, AFS Group
Ville Nikkanen, Andritz

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